New Feature - My Tasks
April 1, 2021

New Release: My Tasks

By Brian McHale

We’ve just released our much anticipated My Tasks feature in Project Central.

My Tasks lists all the tasks that are assigned to you from across all projects in your account.

With this release, users will no longer have to click into each project and filter through to see what their role is for each.

Instead, they get a neat, personalized view of all their tasks, so they can prioritize and execute with ease.

To access your own My Tasks view, simply select the Checkmark in the top navigation bar:

My Tasks Selection


How ‘My Tasks’ can help improve your workflow?

My Tasks is an exciting addition that allows you to focus on those tasks that are due and coming due as a priority, regardless of which project they belong to.

When you open this page, you’ll see all projects you’re involved in with active tasks, giving you a clutter-free dashboard.

Under each project, you’ll find an ordered tasks list sorted by their due date.

So, now you just need to get to work and begin completing each task in order, staying focused and productive.

My Tasks - Open


Coming next – Microsoft Teams Integration

Manage a project from directly within Microsoft Teams so that collaboration and meetings can continue seamlessly.

This feature will also include the work required to register a dedicated Teams app on the Teams development platform

We’re really excited for these next releases and look forward to hearing your feedback, as always.

Book some time with us here if you’d like a personal consultation where we can suggest how to set up Project Central for your team.

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