How To Find Your SharePoint Online URL?
There are two locations where you can find your SharePoint Online URL: Copy your URL in your browser Copy your SharePoint Online Link from Microsoft Teams. 1. How to find and copy your SharePoint...
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How to set your project in motion with the initiation phase
In virtually all businesses and in all industries, a groundbreaking...
How to create a WBS to improve project performance?
Every business needs someone to delegate tasks and ensure that things get...
New Release: Private Projects, Saved Filters & Bulk Drag & Drop
Today, we're announcing the release of 3 great new feature additions to...
Free Action Plan Template in Excel
So you’ve been tasked with managing a project at work? I’ve got just the...
The steps to creating an excellent Marketing Plan
Marketing Plan Template As a trusted member of staff in a medium-sized...
New Release: Task Filtering
We've just released a new feature: Task Filters. Filters make it really...

Task Management for the Modern Workplace
When we talk about task management, the most common association is: project managers. It seems like the only fitting role for the task. It can be used as a part of usual duties, and it makes leading and working on projects much easier.
What are the Best Project Management Tools & Software?
With so many online project management tools on the market, it can be...
Project Documentation: What Is It and How to Do It Right?
Any initiative comes with paperwork. However, the importance of project...
New Release: Project Filtering
We've just released a new feature: Project Filtering. Project Filtering...
What Are Sections and Milestones in Project Management?
At first glance, all projects seem overwhelming. There are so many moving...
New Release: Sections
Tasks make up a major part of any project you manage. So, when you have a...
What’s the Difference between Goals vs. Objectives? And How to Use Them Correctly?
If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there. The...